Divorced & Dating - Tania McMillan
Be so fucking proud of yourself for saying to yourself “I deserve better” rather than settling for what is comfortable or familiar because change scares the fuck out of you.
You are a whole person alone, yes YOU, all of you, is a whole person, complete as you are, with or without anyone else in your life. If you are unhappy alone, you will not be happy with a partner, you spend time alone, and learn to your love yourself first before you seek love from anyone else.
Don’t spend your life wishing you did more, were brave enough to stand alone, don’t wake up when you at 60 and wish you did all those things, left that man, had sex with the wrong people and the right people, said yes to real love, climbed that mountain, healed from your past. Do it all and do it all NOW.
- You are not for everyone
- Socitey paints a perfect picture
- Tinder
- Honesty on harmful relationships
- I needed time alone
- The date I ran away from
- Romantic Relationships
- Dating after divorce
- Affair / Cheating
- Is my relationship healthy
- Toxic Relationships
- Single does not mean you are looking for a partner
- I am a woman’s friend
- 15 telltale signs of narcissistic behaviour
- Single life
- Freedom
- How do you live after divorce
- Grieving after a divorce
- Is sex important in a romantic relationship
- How to rescue a damaged relationship
- What are the different types of attraction
- Welcome to sex - Revised
- What it means to be emotionally unavailable
- The man who taught me never to settle for a dick head again
- 5 types of women who aren’t in relationships
- 15 Things mature women do in relationships
- 9 Reasons why women are happier after divorce
- Crying
- Self harm
- Addiction
- Sex and intimacy- revised
- The smear check up
- What does it mean to date yourself
- What does it mean to romanticize your life
- Dating tips for divorced women over 40
- Not everyone will be happy for you
- Choosing Mr Right
- Dating tips for single mothers
- Your love life has nothing to do with anyone else
- 9 Reasons to keep your love life off social media
- They scrubbed what
- Most memorable orgasm
- Some women have never had the big O
- 25 Famous women on orgasms
- You are going to change
- She is powerful